Hello, today we will meet Atmospheric Plasma for the first time in Plasma Academy. In our previous topics, we explained the concepts of surface tension, adhesion, cohesion, hydrophilic and hydrophobic concepts. The purpose of explaining these concepts was some details that we need to know to answer the questions of surface structures and how we can affect the surface. We have not yet finished our explanations about the surface and surface structure, but since there are many questions, we will superficially touch on the working principle of atmospheric plasma for clarity. Atmospheric Plasma can be divided into two as activation and cleaning (sterilisation). In these applications, the plasma is ignited by stimulating the surface with high voltage under ambient pressure. The pressurised air at the tip of the plasma helps to form the arc direction and arc form. When applying Atmospheric Plasma, the molecular structure of the applied surface is important. For this reason, the Atmospheric Plasma device must have plasma selective feature for the surface. Because the plasma values that the atmospheric plasma device will apply during surface activation must be suitable for the molecular structure of the surface. This selection allows us to create the most efficient atmospheric plasma arc. The applied Atmospheric Plasma effect helps surface activation and surface cleaning. So where is it used? Let’s look at where it is used as a sector:
Yes, as can be seen, the Atmospheric Plasma Device, which appeals to a very wide range of areas, is used in these sectors, now let’s examine it. When the surface is treated with Atmospheric Plasma, the material surface increases the bonding and lamination with ink, coating, paint, adhesive and other components by increasing the grip. This process can also be called surface modification. At this stage, the surface is cleaned and functionalised, providing advantages in terms of production and assembly. This process can be applied to many surfaces. The main ones are metal, ceramic, polymer, glass and hybrid materials. Let’s see the effect of plasma application with an example application: Let’s look at the ink experiment, which is the most well-known method where we can visually see the plasma effect during the experiment. In this method, half of a material with very low surface tension and wetting coefficient is activated with an atmospheric plasma device and the surface is made ready for processing. The other half is not treated. Ink is applied to this surface with the help of a brush. The result is really surprisingly impressive. Atmospheric Plasma acts on the surface at the molecular level, creating an adhesion rate higher than the cohesion rate of the ink molecule, increasing the wetting rate on the surface and allowing the ink to spread homogenously on the surface. In simpler terms, the activated surface reduces the surface tension by increasing the contact of the ink to the surface. This causes a homogeneous distribution and the ink acts on the activated surface at the same rate. We share a visual of this experiment below.
Application of a 48 mN/m Test Ink to an ABS sheet You will see the details of the application areas in our next article. Keep following us because thanks to Plasma Academy, you will find the simplest form of information by removing all the redundancies and you will get healthier and more permanent information about plasma. We believe that knowledge multiplies as we share, stay healthy!
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